Contact Us

Providence Periodontics and Dental Implants Center

Mon:  8:00am – 6:00pm
Tue:  8:00am – 6:00pm
Wed:  8:00am – 5:00pm
Thu:  8:00am – 6:00pm
Fri:  8:00am – 4:00pm

    Providence Periodontics and Dental Implants Center is located on the East Side of Providence at 40 Elmgrove Avenue (corner of Humboldt Avenue and Elmgrove Avenue).

    Parking is available in the office parking lot or on the street.


    40 Elmgrove Ave, Providence, RI 02906


    I-95 South to I-195 East to Exit 1A (Gano Street).
    At end of exit, turn left.
    Follow to stop sign and take right onto Gano Street.
    Follow Gano Street through 4 sets of lights.
    Continue to stop sign and turn right onto Humboldt Avenue.
    At next stop sign take a right onto Elmgrove Avenue.


    I-95 North to I-195 East to Exit 1A (Gano Street).
    At end of exit, turn left.
    Follow to stop sign and take right onto Gano Street.
    Follow Gano Street through 4 sets of lights.
    Continue to stop sign and turn right onto Humboldt Avenue.
    At next stop sign take a right onto Elmgrove Avenue.


    I-195 West to Exit 1D (Gano Street).
    At end of exit, take a right onto Gano Street.
    Follow Gano Street through 4 sets of lights.
    Continue to stop sign and turn right onto Humboldt Avenue.
    At next stop sign take a right onto Elmgrove Avenue.